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Our Class


MIQ 1 (Kids)

Multiple IQ 1

MIQ 1 is our beginning level art class for students of ages 4-6 years old. It focuses on developing students' creativity and imagination, and the classes are designed with a variety of projects to help teach the children different art techniques while using different types of art materials. We want the students to take what is in their imagination and tell us the story through their art.


MIQ 2 (Creative)

Multiple IQ 2

MIQ 2 is our intermediate level art class for students of ages 7-9 years old. While our professionally-trained teachers continue to enhance the students' drawing skills, expand on concepts and introduce more challenging techniques, they will additionally be exposed to Art History. They will learn about famous artists, significant artistic movements and influential masterpieces. Students will also have the option to expand on the manga/anime style if desired.


MIQ 3 (Advance)

Multiple IQ 3

MIQ 3 is our advanced level art class for students of ages 9-12 years old. At this level, the students work together with the teacher to exercise more advanced observational skills and be exposed to conceptual ideas and projects. They will create various artwork in mixed media and further elaborate complex ideas such as color theory, negative vs. positive space, perspective and more.



Junior Masters Art Program

The Junior Masters Art program (JMAP) is an annual program for exemplary, high-performing art students who have completed standard classes and show aptitude for more advanced learning. Students are selected for admittance to JMAP based on teacher recommendations and reviews. Once potential students are identified, their parents are notified about their candidacy and they can decide to enroll. All JMAP students are on a fixed schedule and are granted special opportunities throughout the year.


Digital Art

Digital Art

This class is intended for ages 9 and up. The students will learn create art by means of various computer programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate and more. This course guides the student from basic concepts to advanced digital art, from 2D drawing to 3D motion. This class is very important for those who are possibly pursuing a career in art.


Studio Art

Studio Art

This class is intended for students ages 13 and above. This class will prepare the student to use art in real world applications. Our professional teachers guide these students to take their own art to the next level in various forms of media. If you or your child may be considering a profession that can be either enhanced or is dependent on art, this class is a definite must.


Portfolio Program

Portfolio Program

This class instructs students on how to properly prepare an artistic portfolio. This showcases the artists' talent which serves as the "resume" to gain entrance to various prestigious art schools or to apply for a job in an artistic career.

Digital Art
Studio Art
Portfolio Program
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